Ild say those dudes pissing on each other are being a little too truthful for your liking :). I'm not convinced of this golden age of fearless truth you speak of. One could argue that nobody should punch another's teeth in either!Īnd if this hypothetical child (you did say the child was hypothetical right?) should witness both events- a person pissing in another's mouth as well as a person punching another's teeth in, which would cause more psychological harm to said child? And why? But if you want to white-knight the deviants, be my guest. So in that hypothetical it's a nice thought to walk about and kick the teeth into the deviants. that was the hypothetical that you are offended about. I mean it's not much different than 'punch a nazi', is it? A perverted sexual deviant in public pissing in the throat of another man while children are walking by. That was the world I grew up in, a world with decency and standards that wasn't afraid to speak truth no matter how uncomfortable it makes people. I'm offended because when I was a kid this wasn't allowed. Hopefully after you've seen some of the photo's from the last few years of the event though. Please defend this 'fair' and why society needs it on public, taxpayer funded roads. But if they want to they can do it indoors away from the public. No human should piss in another humans mouth, period.